Tuesday 22 October 2024

Enamel reshaping (enameloplasty)

In this procedure, the overall appearance of the smile is improved by small interventions in the teeth. Imperfections such as longer, rotating or overlapping teeth are corrected by contouring. Sharp edges and uneven characteristics are removed to give the illusion that the teeth are straighter than they really are.

This conservative procedure can be combined with bonding or veneers, does not require any anaesthesia, and is relatively quick and painless. It can be very effective in a single appointment.

A small part of the outer enamel is grinded or removed. As this is the outer layer of the enamel, there is no risk of the tooth becoming sensitive or more prone to developing cavities.

The sensitivity level is assessed using X-rays (to see how close the nerves are to the surface) and we then start the procedure.

When the outer layer of enamel is reduced, the underlying enamel is polished and treated with fluoride so there is less chance for the tooth to develop sensitivity or cavities.

This means that every case has to be individually assessed to determine if enameloplasty is suitable for each patient. The procedure is indicated for those people who want to soften and round off sharp, pointy edges, shorten teeth that appear too long, or reduce the edge of a tooth overlapping another one. The result is a youthful and harmonious smile.